Sunday, May 13, 2007

complicated absence

Subject: [noisetext] Improvisitations I
Date: May 13, 2007 10:29:11 AM PDT

Between hero and zero, then, is Nero, and Nero
must mean Nero, or the game contraction quarrel
with a purplous. Begone daidalon is yet between, then,
Begonia daedalea, an exemplar of the asymmetrical
leaf, the "unlyrical" (loopanlyrical) science which spreads
its collector arrays, hopi - gaki - loki - locus of no growth,
about which we may assume growth, quarrels of folly hung to
mitre, hang to transversal the memory falls away from its perfect
systems, invented the revealing in a memories wept of ankle, yet ankylo
*trophic) / the / after / Sages, already bolting forth / seed, supper, purple
flower silence the simple intrinsic trickle singing fickle solids summon day
night nether the flower of air, yay then, simple harmonic motions between hero
and zero, then, is Nero, Hunaz, Hezon, hazing the path of Auream, the complicated
diagram of forces, marble bird's nests worn by fauns, dripping with pneumatic elevators
reflecting the laughing Saskia, quatchlangue by the head rose, its sculpture on the inside lightens outward,
say its moral seeing ride a horseshoe crab as mind wont small the crossfire absence left away a still cave cool.